বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩ জুন, ২০২১


                   Particle is created by eight lights  ©                                                                      Sree Debasish Dasgupta




 Today's social progress is entirely a gift of science, but if we look closely, we can easily see that our progress has been made possible by the discovery of the great scientists of the past and the knowledge they have imparted. But the great scientists of the past have shown us only by mathematical solutions. They never imagined that humans would one day travel to space, or that they would actually reach different ‘PLANETS ORBITING THE SUN’.  Even today no one has been able to scratch the mathematical or discovery given to them. I respect their contribution.

Encouraged by the information that previous scientists have gone through here, I have written each of my articles. I have discussed the structure of atoms and the relationship of light with electrons, protons, neutrons in each of my previous articles. I look at each article from different angles and from different perspectives; I have tried to prove their authenticity by calculating the atomic and light constants, quantum etc. by mathematics. All of these articles were later published in Mendely Data;  Which has taken a place in the court of the world (scientist community)  today through social media. In the present article; Compared to the previous article, some special positions of light waves have been discussed.                And how the properties of matter/particles are hidden in all these combinations of light.

I know all these discoveries of mine are now a matter of neglect but one day it will be very necessary in the world of science. It’s not an expression of my arrogance, it’s my belief.


 The total wavelength or energy of light is 8, in the previous article [Atomic Mass Energy Primary Colour] ‘Figure 5’ shows two red light waves but the 2nd red light wave is not discussed in detail, here the light of that color is discussed. Although a few examples have been given before about why the color of sunlight is yellow. Hidden waves of red and yellow in particular are discussed here.


I urge all readers to read each of the previous articles for the convenience of better understanding the current article. Chart 5.& 5A of the previous article is given below for the convenience of understanding the current article better. Total of 8 lights. The 8th light color is DYLO . This light is shown here as DYLO. [FIGURE- A]

We know:

Proton mass = 1.672623e-27 Unit & energy = 1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10

(Energy = 1.60217653e-19 Unit, Mass = 1.782662e-36 Unit)  

Electron mass = 9.109390 x 10^-31 Kg. or 9.109390 e-31 Unit.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Neutron mass = 1.6749e-27 Kg  or 1.6749e-27 Unit.


As per ‘Previous article ‘Atomic Mass Energy Primary Colour’ (see Chart ‘5’. and 5A Bellow)

Visible lights Quantum Digit

T1 Group’s = Red = 3, Orange = 3.5 Yellow = 4,  [It is Red Group]

T2 Group’s = Green = 4.25, Cyan = 4.5 Blue = 4.75 [It is Green Group]

And visible light’s constant is 1.2919

Red Group – 3 + 3.5 + 4 = 10.5 * 1.2919 = 13.56495 Unit frequency

Green Group -- 4.25+4.5+4.75 = 13.5 * 1.2919 = 17.44065  Unit frequency

[T2/T1 = (17.44065/13.56495) = 1.2857142857142857142857142857143

1.2857142857142857142857142857143 X 7 = ‘9’

Either (9 / 1.2857142857142857142857142857143) = “7”

(1.2857142857142857142857142857143)^2 = 1.6530612244897959183673469387755

Several times in all previous articles I have discussed about ‘9’ and 1.28571…, 1.653061…; 7, 22, etc. digits

Again it will be discussed in this article.]


[(Green Group) – (Red Group) = (17.44065) – (13.56495) =  3.8757

Here we can see that one RED (frequency) amount is missing from T1 or Red Group.

If we add 3.8757  in T1 group,  Either minus 3.8757 from T2 group’s it will be equal. (see chart 5&5A) ]


Mathematical Equation


 1.             Now calculation about this 2 group is parallel position, Please see figure ‘A’



As per Previous article ‘Atomic Mass Energy Primary Colour’ Quantum

                                          [ See Image (1) & (2) In  Figure ‘A’ ]

Red + Blue = 3 + 4.75 = 7.75 / 2 = 3.875 Red frequency.

Orange + Cyan = 3.5 + 4.5 = 8 / 2 = 4 Yellow Quantum. 

Green + Yellow = 4.25 + 4 = 8.25 / 2 = 4.125 = Dylo quantum.

 Hence:  create a new energy (Dylo) Group - Quantum. Total = 3.875 + 4 + 4.125 = 12 –(1)

Also we can see another same value of  Red frequency. (3.875) and Yellow Quantum. (4)


(Total of DYLO quantum.= middle point value = 12. About DYLO Group. See Image 3 in Figure ‘A’)



Red Group – 3 + 3.5 + 4 = 10.5;  10.5 * 1.2919 = 13.56495 x 10^14 Hz frequency.

Green Group -- 4.25 + 4.5 + 4.75 = 13.5; 13.5 * 1.2919 = 17.44065 x 10^14 Hz frequency.

Dylo Group -- 3.875 + 4 + 4.125 = 12;  12 * 1.2919 = 15.5028 x 10^14 Hz frequency.


[Visible light’s constant is 1.2919 see Chart ‘5’. Bellow]

Red Group – 3 + 3.5 + 4 = 10.5 * 1.2919 = 13.56495 Unit.

Green Group -- 4.25+4.5+4.75 = 13.5 * 1.2919 = 17.44065 Unit.

Dylo Group -- 3.875 + 4 + 4.125 = 12 * 1.2919 = 15.5028 Unit.


Red + Green + Dylo,= 13.56495e+14 + 17.44065e+14 + 15.5028e+14 = 4.65084e+15 Unit. (Hz)

  4.65084e+15 /3 = 1.55028e+15 Hz, that means DYLO frequency.

Red + Green + Dylo = 10.5 + 13.5 + 12 = 36, 36/3 = 12 = Dylo Group Total. [Average of quantum] = -- (1)

36 cube root = 3.3019272488946266838746099524091 [3.3.. Displacement as per, Rule: e = F/s]

3.3019272488946266838746099524091 cube root = 1.4890953247181091270378016754039

1.4890953247181091270378016754039 x (10/9) = 1.6545503607978990300420018615599

1.6545503607978990300420018615599 <Root = 1.2862932639168639563190195870454

1.2862932639168639563190195870454 x 7 = ‘9’ Or (T2/T1) =  1.2862932639168….,



(Dylo Group) – (Red Group) = (15.5028e+14) – (13.56495e+14) = 1.93785e+14,…(a)

(Green group) – (Dylo Group) = (17.44065) – (15.5028) = 1.93785e+14,…(b)

 (a)+(b) =  (1.93785 x 2)= 3.8757,  3.8757e+14 Unit, it is Red frequency. …(i)

(Green group) – (Red Group) = (17.44065e+14) – (13.56495+14) = 3.8757e+14 Red fqn., ….(ii)

(i) + (ii) = (3.8757 x 2) = 7.7514e+14 (it is Violet frequency.)

 7.7514e+14 <root256.= 1.1433037848530716984310293045215

[for why use 256, 2^8 ether, 4^4,  ether, 16^2 = 256]

1.1433037848530716984310293045215 Cube = 1.4944621617266443805954431565786

 1.4944621617266443805954431565786 x (10/9) =  1.6605135130296048673282701739762

                                   1.6605135130296048673282701739762 (it is mass value)



 Without Power:  Calculation


(3.8757 x 2) = 7.7514

7.7514 <4root = 1.6685723291134801573002895319593 (it is mass value)

7.7514 <8root = 1.2917323 (it is constant value of visible Light)

Again: (i) x (ii) = (3.8757 x 3.8757) = 15.02105049 / 9 = 1.66900561 (it is mass value)

1.66900561 <Root = 1.2919 (it is constant value of visible Light)



Another view:

(Dylo Group) – (Red Group) = (15.5028) – (13.56495) = 1.93785

1.93785 square = 3.7552626225, (3.7552626225 x 2) = 7.510525245

(a) x (i) = (1.93785 x 3.8757) =  7.510525245

(b) x (ii) = (1.93785 x 3.8757) = 7.510525245

(7.510525245 x 2) = (15.02105049 / 9) = 1.66900561 (it is mass value)

1.66900561 <Root = 1.2919 (it is constant value of visible Light)


Hence  if we look closely, we can easily see that equation 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 result is same.

 [ 7.510525245 <8root = 1.2866451544674752611 x 7 = “9” or (T2/T1)= 1.286645154467….,

  (Green Group) / (Red Group) = (17.44065) / (13.56495) = 1.2857142857142857142857142857143, 1.2857142857142857142857142857143 x 7 = “9”




 (Dylo> 15.5028 * 10^14 Hz / Red> 13.56495 * 10^14 )   or

(1.55028)^14 / (13.56495)^14 = 1.142857142857142857142857, 

1.142857142857142857142857 Cube = 1.4927113702623906705539353002915

1.4927113702623906705539353002915 cube = 3.32.  [3.326 Displacement as per, Rule: e = F/s]

1.4927113702623906705539353002915 x (10/9) = 1.6585681891804340783932614447684

Root> 1.6585681891804340783932614447684 =1.2878541024434538323956086383231

 1.2878541024434538323956086383231 x 7 = “9”] OR (T2/T1)

                                                                With power:- Calculation

Dylo> 15.5028 * 10^14 Hz = (1.55028)^14 / (13.56495)^14 = 1.142857142857142857142857

(15.5028e+14) / (13.56495e+14) = 1.1428571428571428571428571428571e+0

[(1.1428571428571428571428571428571)^9 = 3.326 Displacement as per, Rule: e = F/s]


(1.1428571428571428571428571428571)^27 = 36.794471424618805620601026306843

36.794471424618805620601026306843 / 22 = 1.6724759738463093463909557412201…(1)

 (it is mass digit  of proton, without power)  

Again as per my (sree Debasish Dasgupta) formula [ e = m –(m/10)] 

(1.1428571428571428571428571428571) /10 = 0.11428571428571428571428571428571

(0.11428571428571428571428571428571)^27 = 3.6794471424618805620601026306843e-26

3.6794471424618805620601026306843e-26 / 22 = 1.6724759738463093463909557412202e-27

1.6724759738463093463909557412202e-27 …(1a) (it is mass value  of Proton, with power)  


Hence  if we look closely, we can easily see that in the mass value of Proton (1) and (1a) almost same Digit.


[we know1.672623e-27 Kg is mass value of Proton’s]  




 (Red Group) x (Green group) x (Dylo Group) =

13.56495 * 17.44065 * 15.5028  = 3.667676379197859e+3

3.667676379197859e+3 <cube = 4.9337032584130494032101505686321e+10 ..… (iii)


                               All Group’ quantum Digit divided by 4

 (Red qnt.=3, Yellow, = 4, Green = 4.25, Blue = 4.75)


Red Group--  ¾ = 0.75 , Yellow 4/4 = 1, green = 4.25/4 = 1.0625 , Blue = 4.75/4 = 1.1875 [Like this]


Group TOTAL  : 0.75 + 1+ 1.0625 + 1.1875 = 4 


Green Group -- 4.25/4 =1.0625 , 4.5/4 =1.125, 4.75/4 = 1.1875

TOTAL  : 1.0625 + 1.125 + 1.1875 = 3.375


Dylo Group -- 3.875/4 =0.96875  4/4 = 1,  4.125/4 = 1.03125


Group TOTAL  : 0.96875 + 1 + 1.03125 = 3  


 (Red Group / Dylo Group) x Green Group = [(4/3) x 3.375]  

Or ( 1.33333333333333..) x 3.375 = 4.5, 4.5 Cube root = 1.6509636244473133419373049762045

(1.6509636244473133419373049762045)^4 / (4.93370325841304940321…686321e+10)….. (iii)

= (7.4293363100129100387178723929204) / (4.9337032584130494032101505686321e+10)

= 1.505833634672749577551208549996e-10 Unit it is Proton’s energy value.



22/7 = 3.1428571428571428571428571428571<4root = 1.331469309017611812481572176 * 3.375 = 4.493708917934439867125306094

4.493708917934439867125306094 <cube root = 1.6501939065574988032223748475144

(1.6501939065574988032223748475144)^4 = 7.415491074218504120031793148501

(7.415491074218504120031793148501) / (4.9337032584130494032101505686321e+10)…... (iii)   

= 1.5030273783842715978727500117059e-10 Proton energy.

(we know, as per ‘e=mc2 ‘ Proton mass energy =1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10 Unit )


[ nb: Cube Root means value of 3 and to the power 4 means value of 4 and 1.6501939065574988032223748475144 <Root = 1.2845987336742547183283557786003 or (T2/T1)

(1.2845987336742547183283557786003) x 7 = 8.99 or “9” Either 9 / 1.28459873…= “7”  ] 



Each Groups Frequency =

 Red Group – 3 + 3.5 + 4 = 10.5 * 1.2919 = 13.56495, Fqn. =  13.56495e+14 Hz.

Green Group -- 4.25+4.5+4.75 = 13.5 * 1.2919 = 17.44065, Fqn. =  17.44065e+14 Hz.

Dylo Group -- 3.875 + 4 + 4.125 = 12 * 1.2919 = 15.5028 , Fqn. =   15.5028e+14 Hz.


(Red Group) x (Green Group) = (13.56495e+14 * 17.44065e+14) = 2.365815452175e+30 …. (iv)

Time 3600 seconds. 32Root> 3600 = 1.2916190838369614672923687043627

1.2916190838369614672923687043627 Cube = 2.1547821014272448720097037617327

(2.1547821014272448720097037617327) / 2.365815452175e+30 …. (iv)

 = 9.1079889576604856212201511285139e-31 Unit Electron Mass.

Either another view (equation 1.21 and 1.22)

Visible light constant 1.2919, cube>1.2919 = 2.156188347559

2.156188347559 / 2.365815452175e+30 …. (iv) = 9.1139329805996472663139329805996e-31

(we know electron mass value is 9.109390 x 10^-31 Kg.)


 3.1.1                                                           Again: Some of extra Clue: 


As per mention Calculation, total 8 number of color (see image 4 in FIGURE ‘A’)

Red, Orange, Yellow, Dylo,  Green, Cyan, Blue, Violet.

Or, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue.  Orange, Dylo, Cyan, Violet.

Red + Yellow + Green + Blue. = 3 + 4 + 4.25 + 4.75 = 16. (Total of Quantum) …. (v)

Orange + Dylo + Cyan + Violet. = 3.5 + 4.125 + 4.5 + 6 = 18.125 (Total of Quantum)….(vi)


Total frequency (see chart – 5)

Red + Yellow + Green + Blue. = 3 + 4 + 4.25 + 4.75 = 16 x 1.2919 = 20.6704 …. (vii)

[ 20.6704 / 4 = 5.1676 YELLOW Frequency ]


Orange + Dylo + Cyan + Violet. = 3.5 + 4.125 + 4.5 + 6 = 18.125 x 1.2919 = 23.4156875…(viii)

Equation (vi) / (v) = 1.1328125, = (viii) / (vii).   (1.1328125)^2 = 1.28326416015625

1.28326416015625 x 7 = 8.98284912109375 or ‘9’  

Either (9 /1.28326416015625) = “7”   OR (T2/T1) = 1.28326416…..,


 (viii) …23.4156875 <8root =  1.4831612291190875 x (10/9) = 1.6479569212434305..556

1.6479569212434305555555555555556 <root = 1.2837277442056904285124054322744 = (T2/T1)

1.2837277442056904285124054322744 x 7 = 8.98609420944 or ‘9’

(vii)… 20.6704 <6root = 1.6566272982682879620615549065461 <root = 1.28710034506= (T2/T1)

1.28710034506 x 7 = ‘9’


(viii) / (v) = 23.4156875 / 16 = 1.46348046875

(vii) / (vi) = 20.6704 /18.125  = 1.1404358620689655172413793103448

(1.46348046875) x (1.1404358620689655172413793103448) = 1.66900561

1.66900561 <root = 1.2919 (Constant of Visible Light) [Same value equation 1.2.1 and 1.2.2]

(1.66900561) x 9 = 15.02105049 <root = 3.8757 (Red Frequency)


(vii) x (viii) = (20.6704) x (23.4156875) = 484, <root = “22”


As per Capacitor rule: we know that Series  connected Capacitor formula, C = C1 + C2 + C3 ….,

And parallel connection formula, C = (1/C1) + (1/C2) + (1/C3) ….


Series: position:-

Red + Green + Dylo,= 13.56495e+14 + 17.44065e+14 + 15.5028e+14 = 4.65084e+15

  [4.65084e+15 /3 = 1.55028e+15 Hz, that means DYLO frequency.]

Parallel position:-

1/13.56495e+14 = 7.3719401840773463964113395183911e-16

1/17.44065e+14 = 5.7337312542823805305421529587487e-16

1/15.5028e+14 = 6.4504476610676780968599220785923e-16

Total of parallel = 1.9556119099427405023813414555732e-15

(1.9556119099427405023813414555732e-15)^2 = 3.8244179423098933889959480746589e-30

[3.8244179423098933889959480746589e-30 / (4/3)] = 2.8683134567324200417469610559942e-30,

[2.8683134567324200417469610559942e-30 / 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 (Pi)]

= 9.1301252995193181238625719506294e-31 Unit . electron mass.

Or Total of parallel

 1.9556119099427405023813414555732e-15 sqr = 3.8244179423098933889959480746589e-30

(3.8244179423098933889959480746589e-30) / [(4/3) Pi] = 9.1301252995193181238625719506294e-31 Unit .  electron mass.

Again :

1/13.56495e+14 = 7.3719401840773463964113395183911e-16

1/17.44065e+14 = 5.7337312542823805305421529587487e-16

 7.3719401840773463964113395183911e-16 * 5.7337312542823805305421529587487e-16 =


(4.2268723838144486566792748655533e-31) x (1.2916190838369614672923687043627)^3

Or  (4.2268723838144486566792748655533e-31) x 2.154782101427244872009703761733

= 9.1079889576604856212201511285153e-31 Unit .  electron mass. (Same value of eqn. 3.1.0)

[nb. 32Root >3600 Second =1.2916190838369614672923687043627 and 1.2919 is Constant of visible light’s .

Series: position:- Total = 4.65084e+15

Parallel position:- Total = 1.9556119099427405023813414555732e-15

(Series) x (Parallel)= 4.65084e+15 * 1.9556119099427405023813414555732e-15

= 9.0952380952380952380952380952381. It is also noteworthy here that the previously obtained values ​​are being found again and again in different ways. (In all articles), Hidden in the 7 lights is the process of forming new light. It is also noteworthy here that the previously obtained values ​​are being found again and again in different ways. The sun is red when it rises and sets. Sunlight is yellow because there is an excess of yellow in the full light cycle.  ]


Conclusion :

1] Hidden in the 8 lights is the process of forming particle.

2] The sun is red when it rises and sets due to excess of Red frequency in the full light cycle.

3] Sunlight is yellow because there is an excess of yellow in the full light cycle.

4] Total 8 (eight) colors in visible light.


Reference Articles:



·         Atomic Mass – Energy-Primary Colour   (Mendeley Data)


·         Mass Energy in Pythagoras formula         (Mendeley Data)


·         Atomic Mass Energy and Constant            (Mendeley Data)


·         Energy to Energy to Mass Conversion      (Mendeley Data)
