সোমবার, ১২ নভেম্বর, ২০১৮

[nb.> “A STORY OF LATEST SCIENTIFIC DICOVERY’’—‘ASOLSD’ and related artiale by sree Debasish Dasgupta # No part of this publication may be reproduced or any form or any means or any information,  without permission from the Author or chief in charge ]

                                              Husk of Potato
                       .sree Debasish Dasgupta.                      
After lot of permutation – combination deduced some rule [ Electron Volt = Frequency x 0.413334, Energy = Mass - (mass /10), Energy = Force / Displacement etc.]   from the article, “A STORY OF LATEST SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY” (in short  “ASOLSD”) and it’s related. That every matter creates or destroys in two parts. Both of them are quite opposite to each other in principle.
As per this, every organic cell or, plant life (Botany) every matter has its waste products which obstructs the growth of creation of the ‘living cell’. It can be seen by following the cell that if we want to control any Virus or, germ can be destroyed by using their own waste on them in a proper method. They can be destroyed totally in this method. By this, lot of fatal diseases like AIDS, Cancer, Jaundice, etc. can be controlled by deducing their Anti-dote or, method of over come through it.

It feel through this experiment that in human body to control the Diabetic limit by ‘potato husk’.
First, have to take out the peel out of the potato, then, it have to take that particular husk to be washed properly and to be eaten at a particular limit so, that some type blood starch to be controlled.
Dose: 25 – 40 gram weight potato husk to be boiled or, to be fried in light oil or, paste of potato husk and it can be eaten in morning time at breakfast or, in lunch at noon time food. If it is needed, can eat it two times a day… as per blood sugar test result.  
After 3 to 7 days Diabetic problem are in control, then it should minimise the quantity slowly.
 Some type blood starch to be controlled.
It is possible, because this potato husk is just the opposite starch of that starch creating element. If it is used in body, it will work as opposite starch of the Diabetic element present in body.
[nb.> “A STORY OF LATEST SCIENTIFIC DICOVERY’’—‘ASOLSD’ and related artiale by sree Debasish Dasgupta # No part of this publication may be reproduced or any form or any means or any information,  without permission from the Author or chief in charge ]