বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৪

My request to all student societies


My request to all student societies is to read my  'Atomic Philosophy in the Path of Light ' essay carefully. This article contains some information that will be useful for you in the future. Mendeley's data has been published, it can be found if you search Google. Link; https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/st6fxh2mnb/1

 Below are some examples.

·         Crucial Number in Particle Creation: The number '0.413334' appears to play a vital role in the creation of various particles and elements, suggesting that there may be a foundational ratio or constant that governs their formation.

Visible Light Energy and Frequency Relationship: The relationship between energy (eV) and frequency is articulated in the equation eV = 0.413334 x Frequency, suggesting a direct correlation between these two physical properties.

For Example:- Understanding the use of   ‘Electron Volt = Frequency x 0.413334’ formula as unit conversions in current units calculation. 


Question : (Example)  - Electro light action of starting wave length is 7000 Angstrom   to any metal transform it to the unit of W0  to eV .

(h=6.60 x 10^-27 erg-s , eV = 1.6 x 10^-12 erg)

Solve : -

We know  Frequency = speed of light / wave length

 So here frequency : = 4.2857 x 10^14 Hz .

 As per my rule (without any power) eV = frequency x 0.413334

eV = (4.2857  x 0.413334) = 1.7714 unit (eV)

and same way frequency = eV /  0.413334

 Frequency = (1.7714 / 0.413334) = 4.2857 unit (Current unit Hertz)


·         Pi and Particle Masses: The constant Pi can be expressed through a complex formula that integrates the mass values ​​of electrons and protons, illustrating a deep interconnection between these fundamental constants and the energies involved.

 Pi = {[( root over electron either protons mass value energy) / (Proton energy as per e =mc2)] / 2 }^4

For Example:-

[We know that one (Pi  = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 and  as per “e=mc^2 .” 1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10 Unit = Proton’s mass equivalent energy.

And 1.60217653e-19 Unit electric charge of a Proton then (-1.60217653e-19) Unit electric charge of an electron] 

Now, 1.60217653e-19

Root over> = 4.0027197378782342122581519961685e-10

4.0027197378782342122581519961685e-10 / 1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10 = 2.6626602800551704435263034591073 /2 = (1.3313301400275852217631517295536)

(1.3313301400275852217631517295536)^4 = 3.1415433470961018845922239897721 =[Pi].



( 1.60217653e-19 / 2) = 8.01088265e-20

 root> 8.01088265e-20 = 2.8303502698429394217655138448226e-10

(2.8303502698429394217655138448226e-10 / 1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10) = 1.882785140023082758292977718897

1.882785140023082758292977718897^4 =12.566173388384407538368895959089 = 4Pi

So,  {[Root over (protons  electric  charge/2)]/ (Proton energy as per e =mc2)]}^4 =4Pi,


·         Proton Mass Calculation: The mass of a proton can be derived from the electron mass using a specific formula involving the number 0.413334, thus establishing a calculative approach to understanding the mass ratio between these particles.

[(Electron mass) / ( 0.413334 x 10 )^2  ] x (Pi)^9 x  [(Pi) / 3 ]  = PROTON’s MASS  


Pi and Particle Masses: The constant Pi can be expressed through a complex formula that integrates the mass values ​​of electrons and protons, illustrating a deep interconnection between these fundamental constants and the energies involved.

 [ (Electron mass) / (0.413334 *10) ^2 ] divided by (Pi)^9 = Mass. 1.782662e-36 unit.

Or, 1/ {(Pi)^9 / [(Electron mass) / (0.413334 *10)^2] } = Mass, 1.782662e-36 unit.


For Example:-  Investigating the impact of  internal changes on the properties of particles and exploring the role of   (L = 0.413334) and (Pi), in electron, protons mass and energy.

We know that , as per (e=mc^2) equation. (Mass = 1.782662e-36 Kg.  When energy = 1.60217653e-19 Joule.

Electron mass = 9.109390e-31kg, C^2 = speed of light square)


 ‘L’ = (photon’s eV 1.24 unit / 3) = 0.413334,

(0.413334 x10) ^2 = 17.084449955556 , either [L x (Time /space)] = [0.413334 x (3600/360)]^2 =17.084449955556 [3600 second & 360 Degree ]

(9.109390e-31/17.084449955556) = 5.3319773382798041975309487724255e-32

(Electron mass) / (0.413334 *10) ^2 = 5.3319773382798041975309487724255e-32 ---- (1a)

 [1.2985270578788836 is constant unit for particle energy, and ‘L’ = 0.413334, in this article, this subject has been discussed earlier]

22/7 = (3.1428571428571428571428571428571) = Pi

(3.1428571428571428571428571428571)^9 = 2.9917256660402129603928590571842e+4 ---(2a)




Equation,  (2a / 1a) =

(2.9917256660402129603928590571842e+4 / 5.3319773382798041975309487724255e-32)

= 5.6109121930465663243853382177961e+35 

(1/5.6109121930465663243853382177961e+35)  = 1.7822414e-36 Unit Mass.

As per (e=mc^2) equation. (Mass = 1.782662e-36 Kg.  When energy = 1.60217653e-19 J. ) 

Either — (1a)/(2a) =

(5.3319773382798041975309487724255e-32 / 2.9917256660402129603928590571842e+4)

. = 1.7822414e-36 Unit mass.

So [ (Electron mass) / (0.413334 *10) ^2 ] divided by (Pi)^9 = Mass. 

Or, 1/ {(Pi)^9 / [(Electron mass) / (0.413334 *10)^2] } = Mass,   

[As per (e=mc^2) equation. Mass = 1.782662e-36 Unit.  When energy = 1.60217653e-19 Unit ]


Next , (1a)x(2a).= 

(5.3319773382798041975309487724255e-32) x (2.9917256660402129603928590571842e+4)

= 1.5951813453676469100727741096844e-27.

 (1.5951813453676469100727741096844e-27) * (3.1428571428571428571428571428571 /3)

= 1.6711423618137253343619538291932e-27 Unit.  Proton’s mass.  

So, (1a)x(2a) x [(22/7) / 3 ]  or,  

 [(Electron mass) / ( 0.413334 x 10 )^2  ] x (Pi)^9 x  [(Pi) / 3 ]  = PROTON’s MASS.  

We know that, as per (e=mc^2) equation.  Proton’s mass = 1.672623e-27 Kg.  


Overall, these points underscore the intricate relationships and constants that define the behavior and characteristics of fundamental particles and the energies associated with them. They present a framework for further exploration and understanding of the principles governing atomic and subatomic phenomena.

মঙ্গলবার, ২ জুলাই, ২০২৪

My science based Articles are now available on this site as well. I am very happy.

Site::->   https://data.niaid.nih.gov/search?q=Sree+debasish 


NIAID Office of Communications and Government Relations
5601 Fishers Lane, MSC 9806
Bethesda, MD 20892-9806 (deliveries: Rockville, MD 20852)
United States of America


বুধবার, ৩ নভেম্বর, ২০২১

Answer from PMOPG PORTAL and PG PORTAL Govt.of india


I am compelled to post this on social media, because if the government's attention can be drawn by social media.

मैं इसे सोशल मीडिया पर पोस्ट करने के लिए मजबूर हूं, क्योंकि अगर सोशल मीडिया द्वारा सरकार का ध्यान खींचा जा सकता है।

আমি বাধ্য হয়ে সোশ্যাল মিডিয়াতে এই পোস্ট করছি, কারণ যদি সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ার দ্বারা সরকারের দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করা যায় । 

I wish I had a 'laboratory' where I could test various science data. In this hope, I have repeatedly appealed to the government. Although my article deserves to be published in a journal, I cannot publish it because it is impossible for me to bear that cost on my own initiative. Expenses in free publication journal, minimum cost, 3500 - 4000 dollars, about 250,000 - 30,000 rupees in Indian currency. For an article . But it is clear from the answer given below that there is no initiative to encourage government support or cooperation, general science practice. There is no instruction in that sector. So while the information and arguments given by me are acceptable, government officials are unable to accept them.

আমার আকাঙ্খা ছিল আমার একটি ‘ল্যবটারি’ থাকবে, সেখানে বিভিন্ন  বিজ্ঞানের তথ্য পরীক্ষা নিরীক্ষা করব। সেই আশাতে সরকারের কাছে বার বার আবেদন করেছি।

আমার প্রবন্ধ জার্নালে প্রকাশের যোগ্য হলেও, প্রকাশ করতে পারছিনা কারণ, ব্যক্তিগত উদ্যোগে সেই খরচ বহন করা আমার পক্ষে অসম্ভব। ফ্রি পাবলিকেশন জার্নালে ব্যয়, সর্ব নিন্ম খরচ,  ৩৫০০ – ৪০০০ ডলার, ভারতীয় মুদ্রায় প্রায় ২৫০০০০ – ৩০০০০ টাকা। একটি প্রবন্ধের জন্য।

কিন্তু নিম্নে দেওয়া উত্তর থেকে স্পষ্ট, যে সরকারী সহায়তা বা সহযোগিতা, সাধারন বিজ্ঞান চর্চাকে উৎসাহ দেবার জন্য কোন উদ্যোগ নেই। সেই খাতে কোন নির্দেশ নেই। তাই আমার দেওয়া তথ্য এবং যুক্তি গ্রহণ যোগ্য হলেও সরকারী আধিকারীরা গ্রহণ করতে অক্ষম। 

६ साल तक देश के तमाम पोर्टलों के माध्यम से मेरा सवाल था: अगर मेरे विज्ञान आधारित लेख में दी गई जानकारी बेकार है, तो मुझे सीधे बताएं, अन्यथा अगर कोई स्वीकार्य तर्क है तो उसे आधिकारिक तौर पर क्यों न स्वीकार किया जाए?

মঙ্গলবার, ৬ জুলাই, ২০২১

The relationship of Energy with Atoms and Time, Space ©

      The relationship of Energy with Atoms and Time, Space ©

                                  sree Debasish Dasgupta  

In each of the previous articles, electrons, protons, etc.,  the relationship of  ‘L’ with particle and light has been shown. It also provides detailed information on why each number used in physics is being used, and what sources are used to find the source.

  In the present article, too, are electrons, protons, Pi, time, space, how they come together, and what is the source of ‘C’2? (in the great formula  e=mC2 . I respect sir Einstein’s contribution) .This has been discussed.


I look at each article from different angles and from different perspectives; I have tried to prove their authenticity by calculating the atomic and light constants, quantum etc. by mathematics. All of these articles were later published in Mendely Data.  Which has taken a place in the court of the world (scientist community) today through social media.

And how the properties of matter/particles are hidden in all these combinations of Atom

Therefore, I urge all readers to read each of the previous articles once to understand this article better or to know the details.



 This article discusses relation between atomic mass and energy with electric charge of electron and Proton’s. Here, it is found that, by comparing with e=mc2 .

 Which gives a new process of calculation about atomic structure, ‘Pi’;  electron mass, and also C^2  = Speed of Light  Square.  in great equation e=mc2 .

In present essay, have shown the digit or number ‘L’ = 0.413334 used with Proton mass, electron mass, energy, Pi, etc.

And also have shown that how to involve Time 3600 second with Proton mass, electron mass & energy, 



As per reference articles, ‘L’ = (photon’s eV 1.24 unit / 3) = 0.413334,

(0.413334 *10) ^2 = 17.084449955556 , either [L x (Time /space)] = [0.413334 * (3600/360)]^2 =17.084449955556 [3600 second & 360 Degree ]

9.109390 e-31/17.084449955556 = 5.3319773382798041975309487724255e-32

(Electron mass) / (0.413334 *10) ^2 = 5.3319773382798041975309487724255e-32 ---- (1a)



22/7 =  3.1428571428571428571428571428571 [Pi]

1.2985270578788836 /0.413334 = 3.141592653589793242268964082316

[1.2985270578788836 is constant unit and ‘L’ = 0.413334, see reference articles]

(3.1428571428571428571428571428571)^9 = 2.9917256660402129603928590571842e+4

--- (2a)



2.9917256660402129603928590571842e+4 / 5.3319773382798041975309487724255e-32

= 5.6109121930465663243853382177961e+35  [2a / 1a] --- (3a)

1/5.6109121930465663243853382177961e+35  = 1.7822414e-36 Unit Mass.

As per (e=mc^2) equation. (Mass = 1.782662e-36 Kg.  When energy = 1.60217653e-19 J. ) 



5.3319773382798041975309487724255e-32 / 2.9917256660402129603928590571842e+4

(1a)/(2a) .

= 1.7822414e-36 Unit mass.

So [ (Electron mass) / (0.413334 *10) ^2 ] divided by (Pi)^9 = Mass. ---  (i)

[As per (e=mc^2) equation. Mass = 1.782662e-36 Unit.  When energy = 1.60217653e-19 Unit ]



5.3319773382798041975309487724255e-32 * 2.9917256660402129603928590571842e+4

= 1.5951813453676469100727741096844e-27 = (1a)x(2a).

 1.5951813453676469100727741096844e-27 * (3.1428571428571428571428571428571 /3)

= 1.6711423618137253343619538291932e-27 Unit.  Proton’s mass.  

So, [(Electron mass) / ( ‘L’ x 10 )^2  ] x [(Pi) / 3 ] *(Pi)^9 = Proton’s mass. …(ii)  

 As per (e=mc^2) equation.  Proton’s mass = 1.672623e-27 Kg.


2.02  About ( Pi) with charge and energy,

[We know, 1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10 Unit = Proton’s energy As per “e=mc^2 .”

And 1.60217653e-19 Unit electric charge of a Proton then (-1.60217653e-19) Unit electric charge of an electron]  

1.60217653e-19 <root = 4.0027197378782342122581519961685e-10

4.0027197378782342122581519961685e-10 / 1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10 = 2.6626602800551704435263034591073 /2 = (1.3313301400275852217631517295536) ^2 = (1.7724399417458696743044966223555) ^2 = 3.1415433470961018845922239897721 =[Pi].

So.  {[(Root> charge of a Proton) / (Proton’s energy in Joule)] / 2}^4 = [Pi].


[Nb. Please see, Rule:- 3, {[(root > Energy) / Proton energy ] / 2 }^4 = Pi

(here Energy = 1.60217653e-19 Unit) In reference article ‘Mass Energy in Pythagoras formula’]


Back calculation

3.1415433470961018845922239897721 <4root = 1.3313353638003897127975349179503

1.3313353638003897127975349179503 *2 = 2.6626707276007794255950698359006

1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10 * 2.6626707276007794255950698359006

= 4.0027354434480865514832910049719e-10 square.

= 1.6021891030235550091508407813388e-19 , Unit ]

So, {[4Root over > (Pi)] x (Proton’s energy as per e=mc^2) x 2}^2  = Proton’s electric charge. …(iii)


 [   x (1.50327841965…5152e-10) x 2]^2  = Proton’s electric charge =1.602189e-19 , Unit


[Nb. Rule:-2  [root> (1.60217653e-19 / 2)] / 4root> 4Pi = Proton Energy.

                      In reference article ‘Mass Energy in Pythagoras formula’

As per this view: we can put in place of Proton’s electric charge =1.602189e-19 ,

[root> {[4Root over > (Pi)] x (Proton’s energy as per e=mc^2) x 2}^2  / 2 x  (1 / 4root> 4Pi) = Proton Energy. in Joule. In this process we can make a lot of new rule. For example Please see image 1 ]   



Next >

(root 3)^3  = 5.1961524227066318805823390245176 * (10)^2 =  5.1961524227066318805823390245176e+2

(5.1961524227066318805823390245176e+2)^4 = 7.29e+10


0.413334 / 7.29e+10  = 5.6698765432098765432098765432099e-12 ……(1b)

5.6698765432098765432098765432099e-12 * 1.60217653e-19

= 9.0841431255283950617283950617284e-31 electron mass.

9.0841431255283950617283950617284e-31 *[ (10/9)^2 * 0.413334*3600 (second)] =

1.6687934287320679526610673400061e-27 Unit. Mass.



##  We know ,

Proton mass = 1.672623e-27 Unit & energy = 1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10

(Energy = 1.60217653e-19 Unit, Mass = 1.782662e-36 Unit as per e=mc2) 

Electron mass = 9.109390 x 10^-31 Kg. or 9.109390 e-31 Unit.

Neutron mass = 1.6749274171e-27 Kg  or 1.6749e-27 Unit. 

Electron energy in MeV. Unit =0.51099895  MeV. 

0.51099895  MeV = 0.51099895  * 1000000 = 5.1099895e+5 electron Volt.


[10 /9=1.1111111111111111111111111111111 root = 1.2345679012345679012345679012346*0.413334=0.51028888888888878683111111111112

As per my (sree Debasish Dasgupta) formula ‘eV=frequency * 0.413334’

1.2345679012345679 is ‘frequency’ and 0.51028888 is ‘eV’  

Almost same Digits (0.51…) of electron’s energy in MeV. Unit. For why used (9 & 10) in my (sree Debasish Dasgupta) formula,  e=m–(m/10)] 


Now as per unitary process:

When energy  is 1.60217653e-19 Unit in that moment electron’s mass = 9.109390 e-31 Unit.

When energy  is  1 Unit ,,  ,,  ,,  ,,  mass  = 9.109390 e-31/1.60217653e-19 = 5.6856344038443753760392433160908e-12  Unit. …… (2b)

When energy (Proton) is  1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10 Unit ,,  ,,  ,, mass = 8.5470915013446183292177653419436e-22 Unit.  …… (3b)


 (Proton energy) x (2b) =

1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10 * 5.6856344038443753760392433160908e-12

= 8.5470915013446183292177653419436e-22

8.5470915013446183292177653419436e-22 / 5.1099928085077260860443538932226e+5

= 1.672623e-27 Unit  [Energy of me = 0.51099895000(15)MeV.  Unit]

[Nb. Almost same value 3.01 equation. ……(1b) & (2b) ]


So, [(Proton energy) x (1b)] / electron energy (eV,) = Proton mass.

Or, [(Proton energy) x (electron mass/electron’s or,  Proton charge)] / electron energy (eV,) = Proton mass.     ……….…(iv)


Example: (electron’s energy 0.51099895 Mev = (0.51099895 * 1000000) = 510998.95 eV.)

8.5470915013446183292177653419436e-22 / 510998.95 = 1.6726240829544988946098158013717e-27 Unit Proton mass.


[Nb,   8.5470915013446183292177653419436e-22 / 0.5334 (H, Atom’s 1st orbit radius 0.53 Unit)

1.6023793590822306578960939898657e-21 *100 = 1.6023793590822306578960939898657e-19 unit charge of  Proton.]

## 510998.95 eV /  5.6856344038443753760392433160908e-12 =

8.9875449897813519895404631923762e+16 = SPEED of LIGHT Square. [As per ‘e=mc^2’ ]

So we can write here

(electron energy) / (electron mass/electron’s or, Proton’s charge) = SPEED of LIGHT Square. ……………(v)



Electron mass X electron MeV. X 3600 Second =

9.109390 e-31 * 0.51 *3600 = 1.672484004e-27 Unit Proton Mass.

So, we can write here,  Proton Mass. / (electron MeV. X 3600 Second) = Electron mass ….(vi)

Example, 1.672623e-27 / (0.51099895 *3600) =9.0923376652731e-31 = Electron mass

Or Neutron mass 1.6749274171e-27 / (0.51099895 *3600) =9.1048644201932530607178568783969e-31Unit = Electron mass

Or, (0.51099895 *3600) = 1.6749274171e-27 / 9.1048644201932530607178568783969e-31

Or, (0.51099895 *3600) = 1839.59622

Or, 0.51099895 = (1839.59622 / 3600) = 0.51099895

Either number of Proton Mass divided by (electron MeV. X 3600 Second) = number of Electron mass.

For example = 3 * 1.672623e-27 / (0.51099895 *3600)

 = 2.7277012995819267339003338460872e-30 = 3 number of Electron mass.

 (2.7277012995819267339003338460872e-30 /  9.0923376652731e-31  = 3 )


Either number of Proton Mass divided by {[ (10/9)^2  * 0.413334 ] * 3600} = number of Electron mass …………. (vii)

For example = 3 * 1.672623e-27 / (0.510288889 * 3600) = 2.7314968639264258015227919258105e-30 = 3 number of Electron mass.

[ 2.7314968639264258015227919258105e-30 / 3 = 9.105e-31 one Electron mass.]

Same method for energy value

For example

Proton energy = 1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10 Unit.

1.5032784196545335010226279575152e-10 / (0.510288889 * 3600) = 8.1831556162479166287762448959421e-14 Unit energy of electron.

So Proton energy = electron energy * (0.510288889 * 3600) or electron energy *1837.

For example 8.1831556162479166287762448959421e-14  * 1837 = 1.5032456867047422847061961873846e-10 Unit.

 So in MeV. Unit, 

Proton energy = {[ (10/9)^2  * 0.413334 ] * 3600} * electron’s energy   ……….(viii)

(0.51099895 Mev is electron’s energy mass energy)

For example , {[ (10/9)^2  * 0.413334 ] * 3600} * 0.51099895

Or, 1837.04 * 0.51099895 = 938.725511108 Mev ,  Proton energy.


As per formula ‘eV=frequency * 0.413334’

1.2345679012345679 is ‘frequency’ and 0.51028888 is ‘eV’   …. (3.02)  


Photon (1.2345679012345679 )‘frequency’ and ‘L’ (= 0.413334) and 3600 second present in the digit of  1837.04’

And (electron energy in MeV.) x (Time in Second) = {[ (10/9)^2  * 0.413334 ] * 3600}

Ie. (Photon frequency) x (L) x (Time) x (electron energy MeV) = Proton energy ….(ix)

For example

(1.2345679012345679) * (0.413334) * (3600) * (0.51099695) =938.721837028 MeV.



·         [ (Electron mass) / (0.413334 *10) ^2 ] divided by (Pi)^9 = Mass.

·         {[(Root> charge of a Proton) / (Proton’s energy in Joule)] / 2}^4 = [Pi].

·         [(Electron mass) / ( ‘L’ x 10 )^2  ] x [(Pi) / 3 ] *(Pi)^9 = Proton’s mass.

·         {[4Root over > (Pi)] x (Proton’s energy as per e=mc^2) x 2}^2  = Proton’s electric charge

·         [(Proton energy) x (electron mass/electron’s or,  Proton charge)] / electron energy (eV,) = Proton mass.    

·         (electron energy) / (electron mass/electron’s or, Proton’s charge) = SPEED of LIGHT Square

·         Proton Mass. / (electron MeV. X 3600 Second) = Electron mass

·         Number of Proton Mass divided by {[ (10/9)^2  * 0.413334 ] * 3600} = Number of Electron mass

·         Proton energy = {[ (10/9)^2  * 0.413334 ] * 3600} * electron’s energy  

·         (Photon frequency) x (L) x (Time) x (electron energy MeV) = Proton energy



1) “Atomic Mass Energy Primary Colour”

2) Mass Energy in Pythagoras formula’

3) ‘Atom to Nucleus’

4) “Atomic Time Space”

5) ‘Atomic Mass Energy and Constant’